Setting Up Your Home for Your New Greyhound or Galgo

2 greyhounds

Embarking on the journey of greyhound adoption is an experience that's close to my heart. As a proud parent to three rescued Galgos and a host of other sighthounds, I can tell you that the moment you welcome one of these graceful creatures into your home, your life changes in the most profound way. But this journey begins even before they set a paw into your home - it starts with turning your home into their sanctuary. Here are some heartfelt tips from my personal journey to help you prepare your home for your new Greyhound or Galgo.

1. Crafting a Sanctuary for Your New Companion

Creating a harmonious bond with your newly adopted furry friend starts with carving out a safe haven for them. This could be a peaceful corner in your living room or a dedicated room thoughtfully arranged to cater to their needs. A cozy bed, some toys, and a water bowl can make this space feel like their own. I've found crate training to be an effective tool, as dogs often seek solace in having their own den. In their own little world, they can experience a sense of security while adapting to their new life with you.

2. Securing Your Home and Garden

Greyhounds and Galgos are naturally curious and will be eager to explore their new territory. It's your responsibility to ensure that your living space, as well as your garden, are safe for them. This means securing loose wires, removing toxic plants, and keeping small objects that they could choke on out of reach. I remember how my first Galgo was fascinated and at times spooked, by even the smallest things in my home as it was his first time ever being inside a house! And don't forget about your garden - ensuring it's securely fenced is crucial for their safety.

3. Preparing for Your New Companion's Arrival

Before your furry friend arrives, make sure you have all the essentials. This includes food, leashes, grooming supplies, and any prescribed medicine they may need. I still remember the excitement of shopping for my first Galgo, picking out the perfect toys, and imagining the joy they would bring.

4. Setting Up a Feeding Station

Given their height, meal times can be quite uncomfortable for Greyhounds and Galgos. An elevated feeding station can make meals more enjoyable for them. This simple adjustment worked wonders for my sighthounds.

5. Preparing Other Pets

If you're a pet parent like me, introducing a new member to your existing furry family requires careful planning. When I brought my first Galgo home, I had other dogs already in my home. The introduction needed to be gradual and under closely monitored conditions to ensure a smooth transition. I remember the initial days - the curiosity, the hesitation, and the slow steps towards getting to know each other. It took a while for my older dog to adapt my most recent member of the family, my whippet puppy Archie. There were days of confusion and a few squabbles over beds. But with time, guidance, and a lot of patience, they have eventually come to understand each other. They have learned to share their space, their toys, and most importantly, my attention. It is a beautiful process to witness, their friendship blossoming over time. Now, they are inseparable, and their bond is a testament to the fact that with love and patience, a harmonious multi-pet household is entirely possible.

6. Patience is Key

Remember, your new friend is undergoing a significant change in their life. Be patient with them, allow them their space, and let them explore their surroundings at their own pace. This was a crucial aspect of building a strong bond with my sighthounds.

The journey of adopting a Greyhound or Galgo is a beautiful one, filled with moments of love, joy, and growth. Cherish every moment, and welcome to the wonderful world of sighthound parenthood!

Please feel free to share your experiences and tips in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!

Greyhound with puppy

My First Galgo: A Journey of Love, Patience, and Trust


Tips for a Smooth Transition: First Few Weeks with Your Adopted Greyhound/Galgo