Adopt, Don’t Shop!

Adopt, Don't Shop: The Unending Joy of Opening Your Heart to a Rescue Greyhound or Galgo"

As a lover and adopter of sighthounds, I've often found myself gazing into the gentle eyes of my Greyhound or Galgo, marveling at the profound wisdom and endless love they have to offer. Each of my 12 rescue pets has made a profound difference in my life and left paw prints that will always be there. I want to share my experience with you today in the hopes that it may motivate you to start moving forward on your own.

You're not just adding a pet to your home when you adopt a rescue dog; you're also giving a worthy individual a second opportunity. Each rescue dog has a story etched into their being, often one of hardship and survival. When you adopt, you're rewriting their tale to one of love and security, transforming their world as much as they will transform yours.

Greyhounds and Galgos, in particular, are breeds that are in desperate need of this second chance. They are often misunderstood and overlooked, seen only for their speed and not for the loving, gentle companions that they truly are. My own experiences have shown me the deep wells of affection, resilience, and loyalty these breeds possess. They have an extraordinary ability to adapt and a quiet dignity that resonates with those who take the time to truly know them.

In the silence of the evening, when my Greyhound nestles next to me, a warm presence against the cool night, I'm reminded of the immense trust they place in us. That trust is a gift, a fragile and precious thing, given freely and wholeheartedly by these noble creatures. Their capacity to love, even after experiencing hardship, is a lesson in grace and forgiveness, one we all could learn from.

By making the decision to adopt, you are also making a statement against unethical breeding methods that prioritise profit over the welfare of these lovely animals. Adoption is a vote for kindness and a statement that all dogs, regardless of breed, age, or history, deserve to live in loving homes.

One of my life's most fulfilling experiences has been adoption. Each rescue that has shared my home has brought a unique joy, forever altering my understanding of love and companionship. Words can hardly express how wonderful it is to watch them develop as they experience the security and love of a loving household.

As an adoptee, you not only receive a devoted companion but also a fresh outlook on life. These creatures inspire a feeling of purpose and an intensity of love that is actually transforming due to their tenacity and eternal love.

I urge you to consider adoption. Take the chance to open your heart and your home to a Greyhound or a Galgo. Saving lives is important, but it's also important to improve your own life. You will see not only the love and gratitude of a rescue dog, but also the absolute finest reflection of yourself, I promise.

Abstract painting, bold and colourful, three galgos

“In the cool, harsh light of the kennel, I wait. Each day is the same – the same cold floor, the same distant echoes, the same yearning. I’m a greyhound, born with a heart ready to overflow with love, but here, I find little to pour it into. My keen ears catch the jangle of keys and the quiet footsteps of visitors, and every time, my heart leaps. Could this be my day? But more often than not, the footsteps recede, and I am left again with the cold silence.

In the quiet, I dream. I dream of soft hands, kind words, and eyes that see me, really see me, for who I am. I dream of the warmth of the sun on my sleek coat, of a soft bed that is mine, and the gentle rhythm of belonging to someone, being a part of a family.

I am more than my speed, more than my past. I am a faithful friend, a gentle soul wrapped in a grey coat. I have a universe of love to offer and a spirit that longs to find its forever home. As each day closes, and I curl up on the hard floor, my dream remains. Somewhere out there, there's someone for me, someone who'll look past the kennel bars and see my true self. I am here, waiting for them, waiting for my journey from forgotten to found.”