Our Story

"Over the past 15 years, I've had the honour of welcoming 12 noble sighthounds - Greyhounds, Galgos, and Whippets - into my home and heart. Each one has inspired me with their graceful presence, capturing my admiration and sparking a shared passion between my friend and me. This led us to create Noble Noses, our tribute to these incredible beings.

While our Etsy store was the inception point of this journey, we longed for a space of our own on the web - a place where we have the freedom to express our devotion to Sighthounds fully and on our own terms. Our own corner in the digital world where we could cultivate a vibrant community of fellow sighthound lovers, share the joy these gentle souls bring, and have the flexibility to offer a wider array of our uniquely crafted products.

Our visions, ideas and creations, brought to life through the power of AI, are more than just pieces of art. Each item is a celebration of the enchanting world of Greyhounds, a heartfelt testament to their elegance, and a symbol of the magical bond we share with these regal creatures.

Every wagging tail, every satisfied customer, and every shared story fuels our dedication and reaffirms our mission. We are not just creators, but fellow sighthound enthusiasts committed to sharing our love and passion for these beautiful creatures with the world.

Welcome to our expanded home - Noble Noses. Here, we promise a space filled with beauty, laughter, and the unmatched charm of Greyhounds, meticulously crafted into each of our creations. Come, join us on this incredible journey as we celebrate the joy and wonder of Greyhounds, one unique piece of art at a time."

With Love and Gratitude,

Frankie & Claire

Founders and Chief Greyhound Enthusiasts, Noble Noses