Frankie Greig Frankie Greig

Setting Up Your Home for Your New Greyhound or Galgo

Embarking on the journey of adopting a Greyhound or Galgo is an experience that's close to my heart. As a proud parent to three rescued Galgos and a host of other sighthounds, I can tell you that the moment you welcome one of these graceful creatures into your home, your life changes in the most profound way. But this journey begins even before they set a paw into your home - it starts with turning your home into their sanctuary. From crafting a sanctuary for your new companion to securing your dwelling and garden, preparing for your new companion's arrival, setting up a feeding station, preparing other pets, and understanding that patience is key, this blog post is filled with heartfelt tips from my personal journey to help you prepare your home for your new Greyhound or Galgo.

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