My First Galgo: A Journey of Love, Patience, and Trust

Blonde Galgo

On a cold, wintry day in February 2017, my life changed in a profound and beautiful way. That was the day Samuel, a timid yet majestic Galgo, stepped paw into my home and heart. Samuel came from Galgos Del Sol, a rescue organization based in Murcia, Spain. His journey to me was a long one, taking four days under the care of Steve, a kind-hearted man who runs the charity Hope For Podencos in Gran Canaria.

I still remember our first meeting. It was early in the morning when Steve's van pulled up to my house. Samuel was timid, his large frame seeming to shrink with uncertainty. He was reluctant to come inside, but Steve's gentle coaxing eventually persuaded him. I was struck by how skinny he was, a stark reminder of the harsh life he had led before his rescue.

The initial days were challenging. Samuel was a gentle soul, but he was easily spooked and terrified of everything. He was rescued from the streets along with his brother Ivan, and the trauma of his past life was evident in his behavior. But with patience, love, and the support of my other dogs, Samuel began to adjust to his new life.

One of the most memorable moments was when Samuel finally cuddled up with me. It was a significant milestone, a sign that he was beginning to trust me. It was a moment that made all the patience and adjustments worth it.

But not all moments were so serene. I remember a particularly rainy day in Scotland, the day after Samuel arrived. I had taken him to the garden to pee, but he refused to come back inside. We ended up staying in the pouring rain for over an hour until I called Steve for advice. He told me to pick Samuel up and bring him inside. I was nervous, given Samuel's size, but he allowed me to pick him up. We finally got back inside, soaked but safe. Looking back, I can't help but laugh at the memory. It was a testament to Samuel's resilience and my determination to make him feel safe.

Life changed significantly after adopting Samuel. I had to make many adjustments to ensure he felt safe and secure, both inside the house and during our walks. Samuel was wary of people, and it took time for him to trust. But with patience, understanding, and the help of harnesses and leads, he began to open up.

Adopting Samuel was a journey of love, patience, and trust. It was about understanding his fears and helping him overcome them. It was about providing a safe and loving home for a dog who had known nothing but hardship. And most importantly, it was about showing Samuel that he was loved and that he could trust humans again.

To anyone considering adopting a Galgo, I would say this: It's a journey filled with challenges, but the rewards are immeasurable. The love and trust of a Galgo is a gift, one that is earned with patience and understanding. And when you finally earn it, it's a feeling like no other. Remember, these beautiful creatures may have endured cruelty and neglect before arriving to you, and they will likely be nervous. So, give them a lot of space to adjust, and remember that patience and a sense of humor are key.

Samuel's journey is a testament to the resilience and love of these beautiful creatures. And I am grateful every day for the love, trust, and laughter he has brought into my life.

I would love to hear from you about your experiences. Have you adopted a Galgo or Greyhound? What was your journey like? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? What moments of joy and laughter have you shared with your furry friend? Please share your stories in the comments section below. Your experiences could provide invaluable insights for others considering this rewarding journey. Let's continue to spread the love and understanding for these wonderful creatures together.

Silly Galgo

Training Your Greyhound/Galgo: Tips and Strategies


Setting Up Your Home for Your New Greyhound or Galgo