Galgos: Spain's Majestic Hounds and their Struggles

In the world of sighthounds, one breed stands out, not just for its stunning beauty and grace but also for the struggles it has endured: the Galgo Español, or Spanish Greyhound. As an artist, greyhound lover, and a proud adopter of three beautiful galgos, I have been on a personal journey with these elegant hounds, and it's a story that needs to be shared.

A proud symbol of Spanish heritage, the galgos are noble, intelligent, and fiercely loyal. Yet, they have been subjected to untold cruelty and neglect. It's a harsh reality that these loving creatures, who have a life expectancy of around 12-14 years, sometimes don't get to live their lives to the fullest due to abusive practices, mainly related to hunting and racing traditions in Spain.

For many galgos, their life is a constant struggle for survival, love, and dignity. In the hunting season, they are worked to the bone, often without adequate food or care. And when the season ends, countless galgos are discarded, abandoned, or worse. Their plight is a heart-wrenching testament to human cruelty, but it's also a rallying cry for compassion, change, and hope.

Despite their ordeals, they are able to trust and love again, offering us humans a second opportunity. As an artist and dog lover, I am dedicated to raising awareness about their plight, praising their spirit, and giving them a voice.

The struggle of the galgos, while harrowing, is not a hopeless one. Many wonderful organizations, like the remarkable charity Galgos Del Sol in Murcia, Spain, are dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming these remarkable dogs. They are the heroes of this story, tirelessly working to ensure every galgo gets the life it deserves.

There is something incredibly special about galgos. Despite everything they've been through, they are able to trust and love again, giving us humans a second chance. As an artist and dog lover, I am committed to bringing attention to their cause, celebrating their spirit, and giving them a voice.

In my eyes, every galgo is a testament to resilience, a symbol of hope, and a beautiful masterpiece. And with each piece of artwork, blog post, and discussion, I wish to honour them, assist them, and, most importantly, inspire others to do the same. Their tale isn't ended yet, and we can all work together to make it a happy one.


"Busting Common Myths About Greyhounds and Galgos"


"Embracing the Uniqueness: An Introduction to Greyhounds, A Breed Unlike Any Other"